特朗普表示,“我代表整个特朗普家族,祝愿每位美国人有个健康快乐的感恩节。”“On behalf of the entire Trump family, I want to wish every American a healthy and very happy thanksgiving.” 仪式上,特朗普赦免了名叫“玉米“的火鸡。然而,仪式还没结束,一名后排记者便大声提问:“总统先生,在你卸任前,你会赦免自己吗?”特朗普并未理会提问,和梅拉尼娅微笑打招呼后,转身离开了……Donald Trump ignored a reporter's question about whether he intends to pardon himself before leaving office, a legally dubious question on which there is no precedent.“Will you be issuing a pardon for yourself?” a journalist shouted on Tuesday during a Rose Garden ceremony during which the outgoing president pardoned a turkey two days before Thanksgiving.
推特上,有国外网友还翻出了2018年特朗普特赦火鸡的仪式视频。当时,火鸡“豌豆”在投票中击败另一只火鸡“胡萝卜”,被网友选中参加白宫仪式。仪式上,特朗普这样调侃了一番“败选”的火鸡“胡萝卜”:“这是一次公正的选举,但是‘胡萝卜’拒绝承认败选,要求重新计票。”“This was a fair election. Unfortunately, Carrots refused to concede and demanded a recount. And we're still fighting with Carrots. ““但我们已经得出结论,‘胡萝卜’,很抱歉告诉你,结果没有变化,还是你输了。”“And I will tell you we've come to a conclusion. Carrots, I'm sorry to tell you, the result did not change. Too bad for Carrots.”这段视频在国外被大量转发,美国网友纷纷惊呼,特朗普简直“神预言”了如今的自己……综合来源:独立报,NBC